Heartbeet Farm > Products > Nursery > Slipping Sweet Potatoes > Sweet Potatoes for Slipping: Variety #6

Sweet Potatoes for Slipping: Variety #6

$10.00 / pack

Bright pink skin, white flesh. Reliably produces medium-sized tubers. High starch and low moisture content make this variety similar to a potato. Makes excellent fries.

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Each pack includes:

  • 5 to 10 small to medium-size sweet potatoes 
  • Instructions on how to grow your own slips indoors, and
  • Instructions on how to grow your own sweet potatoes from transplanting to fall storage.

Each pack will grow a minimum of 20 slips. If you regularly break-off the 8-10 inch sprouts to root in a jar of water, many more slips will grow. I encourage you to find a few gardening buddies to share slipping sweet potatoes with if you’d like to try several different varieties.

Please note slipping packs are pick-up only. Our freezing temperatures do not allow for shipping. Ottawa pick-up will be at Gaia Organics (Previously Greta’s), 399 River Rd. on February 19 10am-Noon