Heartbeet Farm > Products > Ginger Nut — Sweet Potato Slip Variety #2

Ginger Nut — Sweet Potato Slip Variety #2

$17.50 / 5 slips

Compact cluster of medium to large sweet potatoes. A low number of tubers per plant but nice round elongate shape and large size. Skin is tan with dark eyes. Flesh is peach coloured and brightens during cooking. Sweet, nutty flavour that taste testers loved.

Out of stock


Slips will be ready for shipping or pick up in May.

Shipping prices range from $20 to $25 plus tax. The slips won’t survive a long journey, so we don’t ship to BC, YK, NWT, NT, or NL.

Local Pickup – Two Locations

  • On Farm in North Augusta Wednesday, May 17, from 5pm to 7pm
  • Kanata Farmers Market (Centrum) – May 18, from 9am to 1pm
  • Kanata Farmers Market (Centrum) – May 25, from 9am to 1pm

About Our Unique Sweet Potato Varieties

Our goal to produce short-season, cold-tolerant sweet potatoes that reliably produce bountiful harvests in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec’s climate with minimal inputs.

In 2018, we were gifted more than 60 new varieties of sweet potatoes bred by local plant breeder Telsing Andrews. We have selected the best of the sixty and continue trialling new varieties grown from true seed collected each year. In 2020, we partnered with the EFAO and other farms to test out the new varieties. We continue to grow several of the original varieties from the trial, as well as new varieties grown from true seed collected in 2019/2020. Read more about our sweet potato breeding program.